PDB : domain1.deep1.pdb RR : domain1.dncon2.rr L : 62 (pdb's chain length without gaps) Nc : 0 (pdb's contact count) Seq Sep : 24 to INF PDB-Seq : AGARLPALLDEQQVNVLLYDMNGCYSRLKELVPTLPQNRKVSKVEILQHVIDYIRDLQLELN CONTACT-COUNTS Top-L/10 Top-L/5 Top-L/2 Top-L Top-2L ALL domain1.deep1.pdb (count) 0 0 0 0 0 0 domain1.dncon2.rr (count) 6 12 31 62 124 741 ERROR! Number of true contacts in the pdb file is 0! Quitting..